(A) John Frank
(B) Michael Max
(C) Wholer
(D) Bardeen
For all the cycles in ecosystem what is the driving force?
(A) Sun
(B) Air
(C) Earth
(D) Water
Where Tibia(bone) is found?
(A) Foot
(B) Leg
(C) Brain
(D) Arm
In the total body weight what is the percentage of water?
(A) 70% to 90%
(B) 5% to 8%
(C) 17% to 23%
(D) 40% to 45%
Insulin is secreted by?
(A) Pancrease
(B) Bile Juice
(C) Vitamin B
(D) None of the above
Gene is the basic unit of __ information.
(A) Physical
(B) Chemical
(C) Mathematical
(D) Biological
On earth hardest substance is?
(A) Silver
(B) Diamond
(C) Gold
(D) Silicon
What is the percentage of nitrogen in Ammonia?
(A) 77%
(B) 79%
(C) 81%
(D) 82%