(A) 100 Days
(B) 120 Days
(C) 125 Days
(D) 130 Days
Category: Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs
Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs for Entry Tests, Intelligence Tests, Forces Tests, NTS, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Readers will find here Solved Mcqs of Basic Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, numbers, average, percentage, ratio and proportions, equations, series, time, distance, work, fraction and all others aptitude tricks. Users will be able to prepare their all types of competitive exams from here.
Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs
2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 19, 23, 29, __ , 41, 47. Complete the given series.
(A) 30
(B) 34
(C) 36
(D) 38
How many pieces of 85 Cm length can be cut out from a rod 42.5 meters long?
(A) 30
(B) 40
(C) 50
(D) 60
18 is 75% of which number?
(A) 20
(B) 22
(C) 24
(D) 28
If the diameter of a cycle wheel is 3 ft. Then the number of complete rotations that the wheel will make in covering a distance of 30 ft is?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
A car covers 160 Km distance in 4 hours. Find the average speed of car?
(A) 35 Km/h
(B) 40 Km/h
(C) 45 Km/h
(D) 50 Km/h
Sum of three numbers is 93. Find the middle number?
(A) 31
(B) 32
(C) 33
(D) 34
A car washer can wash 8 cars in 18 minutes. At this rate how many cars can be wash in three hours?
(A) 13
(B) 40
(C) 80
(D) 125