(A) 27 Mintues
(B) 32 Minutes
(C) 23 Minutes
(D) 34 Minutes
Category: Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs
Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs for Entry Tests, Intelligence Tests, Forces Tests, NTS, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Readers will find here Solved Mcqs of Basic Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, numbers, average, percentage, ratio and proportions, equations, series, time, distance, work, fraction and all others aptitude tricks. Users will be able to prepare their all types of competitive exams from here.
Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs
A, B and C play cricket. A’s runs are to B’s runs and B’s runs are to C’s as 3:2 , 3:2. They get altogether 342 runs. How many runs did A make?
(A) 82
(B) 96
(C) 162
(D) 187
Rs 4830 is divided among Ali, Ahmad and Waqas such that if Ali share diminishes by Rs 5, Ahmad share diminishes by Rs 10 and Waqas share diminishes by Rs 15, their shares will be in the ratio 5:4:3. Find the Ahmad original share?
(A) 1345
(B) 1456
(C) 1610
(D) 1790
One year ago the ratio between Smith and John salary was 3:4. The individual ratios between their last year’s and this year’s salary are 4:5 and 2:3 respectively. At present the total of their salary is Rs.4160. The salary of Smith now is?
(A) 1300
(B) 1600
(C) 1800
(D) 2100
By what number must the given number be multiplied to increase the number by 25%.
(A) 22%
(B) 24%
(C) 25%
(D) 27%
Find the increase value if 450 is increased by 90%.
(A) 765
(B) 855
(C) 897
(D) 923
The population in a small town increases from 50000 to 63750 in one year. Find the percentage increase in population?
(A) 27.5%
(B) 28.9%
(C) 43.6%
(D) 65.4%
The price of dhal is increased from $30 to $37.5 per kg. Find the percentage increase in price?
(A) 16%
(B) 25%
(C) 34%
(D) 40%