(A) Constant
(B) Variable
(C) Multiplication
(D) None of the above
Category: Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs
Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs for Entry Tests, Intelligence Tests, Forces Tests, NTS, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Readers will find here Solved Mcqs of Basic Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, numbers, average, percentage, ratio and proportions, equations, series, time, distance, work, fraction and all others aptitude tricks. Users will be able to prepare their all types of competitive exams from here.
Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs
If 25-y=15, then what is the value of Y is?
(A) 5
(B) 10
(C) -10
(D) 15
1 Kilograms=____ .
(A) 2.20 Pound
(B) 3.2046 Pound
(C) 3.00 Pound
(D) 2.2046 Pound
In English test a student scored 18 out of total 30. Calculate percentage.
(A) 40%
(B) 45%
(C) 57%
(D) 60%
Identify the greatest fraction among the following?
(A) 5/6
(B) 7/8
(C) 4/5
(D) Are are equal
A number is 18 more from its 4/7. Tell the number?
(A) 39
(B) 41
(C) 42
(D) 54
What is the percentage of 210 in number 420?
(A) 25%
(B) 50%
(C) 60%
(D) 75%
What is the probability of getting at least one head if two coins thrown simulataneously?
(A) 2/3
(B) 3/4
(C) 4/5
(D) 6/7