(A) 2,2,2,7
(B) 2,2,3,6
(C) 2,2,2,4
(D) None of the above
Category: Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs
Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs for Entry Tests, Intelligence Tests, Forces Tests, NTS, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Readers will find here Solved Mcqs of Basic Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, numbers, average, percentage, ratio and proportions, equations, series, time, distance, work, fraction and all others aptitude tricks. Users will be able to prepare their all types of competitive exams from here.
Arithmetic Aptitude Mcqs
What is the highest common factor(HCF) 4,4 and number 48?
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 12
What is composite numbers?
(A) Number which have more than one factor
(B) Number which have more than two numbers
(C) Number which have more than three factors
(D) None of the above
All the prime numbers except 2 are?
(A) Odd numbers
(B) Even numbers
(C) Natural numbers
(D) Whole numbers
Which number is neither composite nor prime?
(A) 0
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 1
When we move place value by two from left to right then the digit becomes?
(A) One 10th
(B) One 100th
(C) One 1000th
(D) None of the above
Decimal system represents fraction in base _____place value notation?
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 10
A number which have one or more digits to right of decimal point is called?
(A) Digit
(B) Decimal
(C) Odd number
(D) Even number