(A) Total stem parasite
(B) Epiphyte
(C) Total root parasite
(D) Partial stem parasite
Category: Biology Mcqs
Biology Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer and all other exams. Here users will find all the Mcqs related to Biology. Here users will find mcqs related to study of life and living organisms, living things in an ecosystem, study and structure of organs, study of cells, organisms interaction and their environment, , study of heredity, study of biological molecules, study of DNA and proteins, study of fossils and all biology mcqs will be available here.
Ornithophily takes place in:
(A) Yellow flower having nectaries
(B) Scented flower
(C) Flower with charming colors
(D) Modified corrola
Embryo of sunflower has:
(A) Two cotyledens
(B) One cotyledens
(C) Eight cotyledens
(D) cotyleden absent
For good growth of pollen tube necessary element is:
(A) Ca
(B) B
(C) mg
(D) Mo
Spouting of potato under storage condition is due to:
(A) Auxin
(B) Gilbberellin
(C) Ethylene
(D) Cytokinin
In gynmosperms the seed are necked because they lack:
(A) Integument
(B) Necellus
(C) Pericarp
(D) Perianth
Which one of the following is pseuedocarp:
(A) Apple
(B) Guawa
(C) Tomato
(D) Banana
A hyaline bisexual and self fertilized flower that does:
(A) Chasmogamas
(B) Apogamas
(C) Cleistogamas
(D) Polygamas