(A) John Dalton
(B) John Thomson
(C) James Chadwick
(D) Earnest Rutherford
Category: Chemistry Mcqs
Chemistry Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer and all other exams. Chemistry Mcqs portion will cover mcqs related to Acids, bases, PH,
atomics structure, electrochemistry, thermochemistry, periodic table, chemicals, atomic theory, chemical bonding, Transition metals, periodic table facts, compounds, properties of organic compounds, covalent bond,
Ionic bond and all other topics related to chemistry will be covered here.
Who discovered protons?
(A) John Dalton
(B) John Thomson
(C) Eugene Goldstein
(D) Earnest Rutherford
Who discovered elecrons?
(A) John Dalton
(B) John Thomson
(C) Eugene Goldstein
(D) None of the above
Who conducted Alpha Scattering experiment?
(A) John Dalton
(B) Eugene Goldstein
(C) John Thomson
(D) Earnest Rutherford
Ions with negative charge and extra electrons are called?
(A) Anions
(B) Cations
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of the above
Ions with fewer electrons and positive charge are called?
(A) Anions
(B) Cations
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of the above
Who discovered that nucleus is very small and have positive charge?
(A) Eugene Goldstein
(B) John Dalton
(C) James Chadwick
(D) Earnest Rutherford
Why most atoms are neutral?
(A) Number of protons are equal to equal to neutrons
(B) Number of electrons are equal to number of protons
(C) Number of electrons are equal to number of neutrons
(D) None of the above