(A) 6 Feet 5 Inches
(B) 7 Feet 2 Inches
(C) 7 Feet 9 Inches
(D) 8 Feet 3 Inches
Category: Current Affairs of Pakistan
Current Affairs of Pakistan
Day by Day current Affairs of Pakistan Mcqs for CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, NTS, PTS, SPSC, BPSC, AJKPSC, KPPSC, PTS, OTS and All Competitive
Exams. This portion covers All current affairs happening in the Pakistan. This will cover all the current issues and information of important personalities, organizations, sports, political situations, disasters, diseases, events, conferences, presidents, important facts and all about current issues in the and Pakistan.
Current Affairs Mcqs
Among following which countries have been excluded from FIFA World Cup 2026?
(A) Congo, Russia and Brazil
(B) Brazil, Ukraine and Congo
(C) Italy, Conge and Russia
(D) Conge, Russia and Pakistan
Pakistan ranks at which position in the Corruption Perception Index 2024?
(A) 121
(B) 135
(C) 137
(D) 139
For the Chang’e-8 lunar mission which country has partnered with China?
(A) India
(B) Iran
(C) Pakistan
(D) Russia
Pakistan reported how many polio cases in 2024?
(A) 57
(B) 63
(C) 71
(D) 88
Which country will build its largest nuclear power plant, C-5 the Chashma Nuclear Power Plant Unit 5?
(A) India
(C) Pakistan
(D) China
What is the name of Anti-Ship ballistic missile recently tests by Pakistan Navy?
(B) Ababeel
(D) Ghaznavi
Recently which city became the most polluted in the world?
(A) Delhi, India
(B) Lahore, Pakistan
(C) Mumbai, India
(D) Kathmandu, Nepal