(A) Karezat
(B) Hub
(C) Osta Muhammad
(D) None of the above
Category: Current Affairs of Pakistan
Current Affairs of Pakistan
Day by Day current Affairs of Pakistan Mcqs for CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, NTS, PTS, SPSC, BPSC, AJKPSC, KPPSC, PTS, OTS and All Competitive
Exams. This portion covers All current affairs happening in the Pakistan. This will cover all the current issues and information of important personalities, organizations, sports, political situations, disasters, diseases, events, conferences, presidents, important facts and all about current issues in the and Pakistan.
Current Affairs Mcqs
Pakistan received ___ billion deposit from the International Monetary Fund on 31th August 2022.
(A) $0.96
(B) $1.16
(C) $2.12
(D) $3.76
How many people killed in Pakistan due to flood in till 31st of August?
(A) 900
(B) 980
(C) 1000
(D) 1100
Which country will host the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards (APICTA) for the first time ever this year?
(A) India
(B) Pakistan
(D) Qatar
Recently Qatar declared intent to invest how many US dollars in Pakistan?
(A) 1.2 Billion Dollars
(B) 1.9 Billion Dollars
(C) 2.6 Billion Dollars
(D) 3 Billion Dollars
US donated ___ million Covid vaccines to Pakistan in August 2022.
(A) 07
(B) 08
(C) 09
(D) 11
Pakistan managed to which position in Commonwealth Games 2022?
(A) 16th
(B) 18th
(C) 19th
(D) 21st
Who is the current Governor of state Bank of Pakistan?
(A) Jameel Ahmad
(B) Syed Murtaza
(C) Zahid Awan
(D) Muhammad Rashid