(A) 90
(B) 130
(C) 134
(D) 150
Category: Current Affairs of Pakistan
Current Affairs of Pakistan
Day by Day current Affairs of Pakistan Mcqs for CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, NTS, PTS, SPSC, BPSC, AJKPSC, KPPSC, PTS, OTS and All Competitive
Exams. This portion covers All current affairs happening in the Pakistan. This will cover all the current issues and information of important personalities, organizations, sports, political situations, disasters, diseases, events, conferences, presidents, important facts and all about current issues in the and Pakistan.
Current Affairs Mcqs
Which private lab in Pakistan will sell Russion Covid-19 vaccine Sputnik V?
(A) Hormone lab
(B) Chughtai Lab
(C) Services Institute of Medical Sciences Laboratory
(D) Islamabad Diagnostic Centre (IDC)
Pakistan super league 2021 opening ceremony will be held in?
(A) Karachi
(C) Istanbul
(D) Islamabad
Which border is opened on 12 February 2021 for the pedestrians?
(A) Wakhan Border
(B) Torkham Border
(C) Taftan Border
(D) Wahga Border
Which Chinese Covid-19 vaccine approved by Pakistan for emergency use recently?
(A) Sputnik
(B) Moderna’s
(C) CanSinoBio
(D) None of the above
On the evening of 12 February 2021,an earthquake shook parts of Pakistan. What was its magnitude?
(A) 5.6
(B) 6.1
(C) 6.2
(D) 6.4
What was the epicentre of the Earthquake that hit some parts of Pakistan?
(A) Mardan
(B) Tajikistan
(C) Gilgit
(D) Uzbekistan