Meaning: بلوغت
Explanation: (Noun)- the period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
Synonyms: Adolescence, Boyhood, Girlhood, Greenness, Juvenility
Antonyms: Adulthood
[Dawn Vocabulary: 09-01-2021]
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Meaning: بلوغت
Explanation: (Noun)- the period during which adolescents reach sexual maturity and become capable of reproduction.
Synonyms: Adolescence, Boyhood, Girlhood, Greenness, Juvenility
Antonyms: Adulthood
[Dawn Vocabulary: 09-01-2021]
Meaning: بدنام زمانہ
Explanation: (Adjective)- famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed.
Synonyms: Blatant, Wanted, Popular, Prominent, Flagrant
Antonyms: Inconspicuous, Moral, Unknown
[Dawn Vocabulary: 09-01-2021]
Meaning: مبالغہ آمیز
Explanation: (Adjective)- regarded or represented as larger, better, or worse than in reality.
Synonyms: Abstract, Magnified, Fabricated, Hyperbolic, Stylized
Antonyms: Actual, Moderate, Sensible, Factual, Reasonable
[Dawn Vocabulary: 09-01-2021]
Meaning: تضاد/انکار
Explanation: (Noun)- a combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another.
Synonyms: Conflict, Dispute, Difference, Inconsistency, Discrepancy
Antonyms: Accord, Harmony, Agreement, Likeness, Approval
[Dawn Vocabulary: 09-01-2021]
Meaning: قانونی چارہ جوئی
Explanation: (Noun)- the process of taking legal action.
Synonyms: Action, Dispute, process, Lawsuit, prosecution
Antonyms: Cohesion, Compromise, solidarity
[Dawn Vocabulary: 08-01-2021]
Meaning: عہد
Explanation: (Noun)-an agreement.
Synonyms: Compact, convention, stipulation, arrangement
Antonyms: Disagreement, Denial
[Dawn Vocabulary: 08-01-2021]
Meaning: جوابی کاروائی
Explanation: (Noun)–a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development.
Synonyms: Resistance, reaction, repercussion, response, resentment
Antonyms: Cause, question
[Dawn Vocabulary: 08-01-2021]
Meaning: خوشگوار
Explanation: (adjective)- in an acutely disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence; affected by delirium.
Synonyms: Crazed, insane, mad, maniacal, manic
Antonyms: Balanced, reasonable, sound, sane, rational
[Dawn Vocabulary: 08-01-2021]