
Meaning: اشارے سے اپنی طرف متواجہ کرنا ۔ اشارے کرنا ، اطلاع دینا

Explanation: (Verb) – Make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage or instruct someone to approach or follow.

Example: Miranda beckoned to Adam.

Synonyms: Attract, Entice, Invite, Tempt.

Antonyms: Repel, Repulse, Turn off, Deter.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 22-06-2022]


Meaning: خاندانی دُشمنی ۔ دُشمن داری ۔ کوئی طویل اور شدید جھگڑا – انتقامی لڑائیاں جو اکثر قبیلوں میں ہوتی ہیں

Explanation: (Noun) – A blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks vengeance on the murderer or the murderer’s family.

Example: He has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.

Synonyms: Bickering, Grudge, Hostility, Quarrel.

Antonyms: Agreement, Forgiveness, Calm.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 19-06-2022]


Meaning: حصولِ مقصد کے لیے سوچی سمجھی چال حیلہ ۔ خصوصاً دشمن کو فریب دینے کے لیے جنگی حکمت عملی ۔ دھوکا ۔ فریب کاری

Explanation: (Noun) – A plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end.

Example: A series of devious stratagems.

Synonyms: Gimmick, Ploy, Ruse, Subterfuge.

Antonyms: Frankness, Honesty, Honor, Inactivity.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 15-06-2022]


Meaning: امیر ۔ تونگر ۔ دولتمند ۔ بہتات سے ۔ تیزی یا آزادی سے رواں

Explanation: (Adjective) – (especially of a group or area) having a great deal of money; wealthy.

Example: The affluent societies of the western world.

Synonyms: Moneyed, Prosperous, Rich, Upscale.

Antonyms: Destitute, Poor, Impoverished, Lacking.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 12-06-2022]


Meaning: مُضَر ۔ شرارتی ۔ کھَلَنڈرا ۔ زیاں کار – نٹ کھٹ ، شریر ، فتنہ پرداز

Explanation: (Adjective) – Causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.

Example: Mischievous children.

Synonyms: Impish, Malicious, Naughty, Playful.

Antonyms: Behaved, Good, Kind.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 11-06-2022]