Meaning: ٹالنا
Explanation: (Verb) – Turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts).
Example: She averted her eyes while we made stilted conversation.
Synonyms: Avoid, Deter, Fend off, Foil.
Antonyms: Aid, Allow, Assist.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 06-05-2022]
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Meaning: ٹالنا
Explanation: (Verb) – Turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts).
Example: She averted her eyes while we made stilted conversation.
Synonyms: Avoid, Deter, Fend off, Foil.
Antonyms: Aid, Allow, Assist.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 06-05-2022]
Meaning: (کسی کو) کچھ غلط کرنے کی ترغیب دیں یا مدد کریں، خاص طور پر جرم کرنے کے لیے۔
Explanation: (Verb) – Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular to commit a crime.
Example: He was not guilty of murder but was guilty of aiding and abetting others.
Synonyms: Condone, Incite, Instigate, Provoke.
Antonyms: Halt, Prevent, Stop, Disapprove.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 03-05-2022]
Meaning: ہتک آمیز
Explanation: (Adjective) – Damaging the good reputation of someone; slanderous or libellous.
Example: A defamatory allegation.
Synonyms: Derogatory, Disparaging, Injurious, Insulting.
Antonyms: Complimentary, Approving, Commending.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 02-05-2022]
Meaning: ٹھکرانا
Explanation: (Verb) – Reject with disdain or contempt.
Example: He spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned.
Synonyms: Despise, Disdain, Dismiss, Disregard.
Antonyms: Accept, Admire, Allow.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 01-05-2022]
Meaning: مَتلُون ۔ اِدھَر اُدھَر تيرتا ہُوا – ڈھلنا
Explanation: (Adjective) – Floating without being either moored or steered.
Example: The seamen are adrift in lifeboats.
Synonyms: Afloat, Drifting, Loose.
Antonyms: Anchored, On course.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 30-04-2022]
Meaning: سچائی، صداقت، یا ایمانداری پر تنازعہ
Explanation: (Verb) -Dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive).
Example: The father does not impugn her capacity as a good mother.
Synonyms: Assail, Contravene, Tar, Attack, Blast.
Antonyms: Agree, Aid, Allow.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 29-04-2022]
Meaning: سازشیں
Explanation: (Verb) – Arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate.
Example: I was intrigued by your question.
Synonyms: Chicanery, Complication, Conspiracy, Fraud.
Antonyms: Honesty, Truthfulness.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 28-04-2022]
Meaning: RR
Explanation: (Adjective) – Very weak or slight.
Example: The tenuous link between interest rates and investment.
Synonyms: Delicate, Dubious, Flimsy, Insubstantial.
Antonyms: Certain, Definite, Firm, Heavy.
[Dawn Vocabulary: 27-04-2022]