
Meaning: دست درازی ۔ تعّدی ۔ قبضہ بالجبر – غصب

Explanation: (Noun) – The act of taking control of something without having the right to, especially of a position of power.

Example: She accused him of a usurpation and abuse of power.

Synonyms: Annexation, Confiscation, Abduction, Apprehension.

Antonyms: Letting go, Release.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 21-02-2022]


Meaning: بَد مُعاش ۔ بَد کِردار ۔ بَد ذات ۔ شیطان ۔ لُچّا ۔ غُنڈا

Explanation: (Noun) – A person who has done something wrong or unlawful.

Example: The police are straining every nerve to bring the miscreants to justice.

Synonyms: Criminal, Degenerate, Reprobate, Corrupt.

Antonyms: Moral, Good, Nice.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 20-02-2022]


Meaning: معقول ۔ دلنشین ۔ پختہ ۔ برمحل ۔ مسکت ‘ قوی ، مضبوط

Explanation: (Adjective) – (of an argument or case) clear, logical, and convincing.

Example: They put forward cogent arguments for British membership.

Synonyms: Compelling, Convincing, Forceful, Persuasive.

Antonyms: Ineffective, Unimportant, Impotent.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 18-02-2022]


Meaning: مُقَدَّس ۔ مُتبَرَک ۔ اِنتہائی مُتبَرَک ۔ قابِلِ حُرمَت

Explanation: (Adjective)- (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with.

Example: The individual’s right to work has been upheld as sacrosanct.

Synonyms: Revered, Venerated, Blessed.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 17-02-2022]


Meaning: دلدل ۔ دلدلی زمین کا ٹکڑا جس میں پیر دھنسے جاتے ہوں

Explanation: (Noun) – A soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.

Example: Torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire.

Synonyms: Dilemma, Entanglement, Imbroglio, Impasse.

Antonyms: Agreement, Solution, Advantage, Benefit.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 15-02-2022]