
Meaning: باہر بھیج دینا ۔ حوالے کرنا ۔ جلا وطن کرنا ۔ دیس نِکالا دینا ۔ خارج البلد کر دینا

Explanation: (Verb) – Assign an inferior rank or position to.

Example: They aim to prevent women from being relegated to a secondary role.

Synonyms: Consign, Entrust, Refer, Accredit.

Antonyms: Deny, Disapprove, Keep, Assume.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 13-02-2022]


Meaning: نَقَل سے مُتعَلِّق ۔ نَقَل کا اَنداز ليتے ہُوے ۔ مُضحِکہ خَيز ۔ مُضحِک ۔ مَزاحِيَہ

Explanation: (Adjective)- Relating to or resembling farce, especially because of absurd or ridiculous aspects.

Example: He considered the whole idea farcical.

Synonyms: Amusing, Campy, Comical, Funny.

Antonyms: Grave, Reasonable, Sad.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 11-02-2022]


Meaning: کھَلبَلی ۔ شَدید ہَل چَل ۔ ہَنگامَہ ۔ افراتَفری کی حالَت ۔ خَرخَشَہ

Explanation: (Noun) – A state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.

Example: The country was in turmoil.

Synonyms: Anxiety, Confusion, Disturbance, Riot, Strife.

Antonyms: Calm, Calmness, Composure.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 10-02-2022]


Meaning: نکال دینا ، چھین لینا ، بے دخل کرنا ، خارج کرنا ، اخراج ، بے دخل

Explanation: (Verb) – Drive out or expel (someone) from a position or place.

Example: The reformists were ousted from power.

Synonyms: Depose, Dethrone, Dislodge, Drive out, Eject.

Antonyms: Hire, Place, Take in, Allow.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 09-02-2022]


Meaning: اکٹھا کرنا ۔ جیسے فوجی دستوں کا ۔ خدمت ۔ معائنے ۔ اکٹھا ہونا ۔ جُڑنا ۔ ایک جگہ جمع ہونا ۔ جمع ہونے کا عمل

Explanation: (Verb) – Assemble (troops), especially for inspection or in preparation for battle.

Example: 17,000 men had been mustered on Haldon Hill.

Synonyms: Aggregation, Assemblage, Assembly, Collection.

Antonyms: Division, Separation.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 07-02-2022]