
Meaning: اِدھَر اُدھَر تَلاش کَرنا ۔ ڈھُونڈنا ۔ اِدھَر اُدھَر جانا ۔ اُڑا لينا

Explanation: (Verb) – Seek to obtain (something, typically food or money) at the expense or through the generosity of others or by stealth.

Example: He had managed to scrounge a free meal.

Synonyms: Bum, Freeload, Hunt, Sponge.

Antonyms: Give, Offer.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 05-02-2022]


Meaning: وَفا داری ۔ اطاعت ۔ عقيدَت ۔ لَگَن ۔ حَکُومت يا اپنے حاکَم کے ساتھ وَفاداری

Explanation: (Noun)- Loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause.

Example: Those wishing to receive citizenship must swear allegiance to the republic.

Synonyms: Adherence, Dedication, Deference, Devotion.

Antonyms: Apathy, Dishonor, Disloyalty, Disobedience.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 03-02-2022]


Meaning: کسی بہنے والی چیز کا رُک جانا ۔ کھڑا ہونا ۔ غیر متحّرک ہونا

Explanation: (Verb)- (of water or air) cease to flow or move; become stagnant. OR Cease developing; become inactive or dull.

Example: Teaching can easily stagnate into a set of routines.

Synonyms: Fester, Hibernate, Languish, Stall.

Antonyms: Build, Flourish, Grow, Help.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 02-02-2022]