
Meaning: توتو میں میں کرنا ۔ جھڑپ کرنا – تکرار کرنا ، جھگڑنا ، جھڑپ ہو جانا

Explanation: (Verb) – Quarrel noisily over a trivial matter.

Example: The boys were squabbling over a ball.

Synonyms: Altercation, Bickering, Controversy, Difference.

Antonyms: Accord, Agreement, Harmony, Likeness.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 19-01-2022]


Meaning: کیچڑ اچھالنے کا عمل ۔ بد نام کرنے کا عمل ۔ پگڑی اچھالنا ۔ تُہمت طرازی

Explanation: (Noun) – The use of insults and accusations, especially unjust ones, with the aim of damaging the reputation of an opponent.

Example: Politicians seem to rely on mud-slinging instead of argument.

Synonyms: Character assassination, Defamation, Dirty Politics.

Antonyms: Acclaim, Commendation, Encouragement.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 18-01-2022]


Meaning: برملاہتک ۔ کرنا ۔ بے عزتی کرنا ۔ کھُلے بندوں توہین کرنا ۔ مقابلہ کرنا ۔ سامنے آنا ۔ گستاخی کرنا

Explanation: (Noun)- An action or remark that causes outrage or offence.

Example: He took his son’s desertion as a personal affront.

Synonyms: Indignity, Provocation, Slight, Abuse.

Antonyms: Respect, Aid, Flattery.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 14-01-2022]