
Meaning: مَغلُوبُ الغَضَب ۔ مَغلُوبُ الغَيظ ۔ خَوف ۔ اِضطَراب ۔ غَم ۔ پاگل ۔ بَد حَواص

Explanation: (Adjective)- Distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion.

Example: She was frantic with worry.

Synonyms: Agitated, Angry, Delirious, Distraught.

Antonyms: Balanced, Calm, Collected, Happy.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 12-01-2022]


Meaning: افزُوں کَرنا ۔ وَسيع تَر ، دَراز تَر ، زِيادَہ فَراواں کَرنا ۔ اِضافَہ کَرنا

Explanation: (Verb)- Enlarge upon or add detail to.

Example: The notes amplify information contained in the statement.

Synonyms: Augment, Deepen, Exaggerate, Heighten.

Antonyms: Decrease, Play Down, Weaken, Abbreviate.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 09-01-2022]


Meaning: سونا ۔ اُونگھنا ۔ غنودگی میں چلے جانا ۔ بے حرکت ہونا ۔ ہاتھ پر ہاتھ دھرے بیٹھے رِہنا ۔ سوتے گُزار دینا

Explanation: (Verb)- Sleep.

Example: Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle.

Synonyms: Coma, Dormancy, Stupor.

Antonyms: Consciousness, Activity, Energy.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 08-01-2022]