
Meaning: مقررہ راہ سے ادھر اُدھر ہو جانا ۔ اغماض برتنا ۔ جُھک جانا – اچانک سمت بدلنا

Explanation: (Verb) – To turn aside abruptly in movement or direction; deviate suddenly from the straight or direct course.

Example: Nothing could swerve him.

Synonyms: Deflect, Lurch, Skid, Stray, Veer.

Antonyms: Go direct, Stay, Remain.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 07-10-2022]


Meaning: خوفناک۔ ہولناک۔ دہشتناک۔ انتہائی صورت حال میں۔ مُصیبت انگیز۔ تباہ کُن

Explanation: (Adjective) – Extremely serious or urgent.

Example: Misuse of drugs can have dire consequences.

Synonyms: Acute, Critical, Desperate, Drastic.

Antonyms: Calm, Mild, Unimportant, Fortunate.

[Dawn Vocabulary: 03-10-2022]