(A) OR
Category: Digital Logic Design Mcqs
Digital Logic Design Mcqs for Screening tests, Interviews, Viva and Other competitive exams. DLD Mcqs section will help users to prepare mcqs of DLD for various exams. Aspirants of Lecturer Computer Science, SST Computer Science, Subject Specialist Computer Science, Data Entry operator, Computer Programmer, Computer Operator, Software engineer and all other Competitive Exams can prepare their Digital Logic Design portion from here.
In designing any counter the transition from a current state to the next sate is determined by?
(A) Current state and inputs
(B) Only inputs
(C) Only current state
(D) current state and outputs
The 3-variable Karnaugh Map (K-Map) has __ cells for min or max terms?
(A) 4
(B) 8
(C) 12
(D) 16
Using multiplexer as parallel to serial converter requires __ connected to the multiplexer?
(A) A parallel to serial converter circuit
(B) A counter circuit
(C) A BCD to Decimal decoder
(D) A 2-to-8 bit decoder
NOR Gate can be used to perform the operation of AND, OR and NOT Gate?
(A) True
(B) False
(C) Both
(D) None
A Karnaugh map is similar to a truth table because it presents all the possible values of input variables and the resulting output of each value?
(A) True
(B) False
(C) Both
(D) None
The power dissipation, PD, of a logic gate is the product of the?
(A) dc supply voltage and the peak current
(B) dc supply voltage and the average supply current
(C) ac supply voltage and the peak current
(D) ac supply voltage and the average supply current
Determine the values of A, B, C, and D that make the sum term A(bar) + B+C(bar)+D equal to zero?
(A) A = 1, B = 0, C = 0, D = 0
(B) A = 1, B = 0, C = 1, D = 0
(C) A = 0, B = 1, C = 0, D = 0
(D) A = 1, B = 0, C = 1, D = 1