(A) Low rate of interest
(B) Very Low rate of interest
(C) High rate of interest
(D) Very High rate of interest
Category: Economics Mcqs
Users will find here Economics Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. Economics students can prepare their Economics Portion for all test from here.
Which of the following is not an instrument of monetry policy:
(A) Taxation
(B) Bank rate
(C) Open market operations
(D) Credit rationing
“Bad money derives good money out of circulation” with whose name this law is associated:
(A) J M Keneys
(B) Thomas Gresham
(C) L E Mises
(D) R G Hartrawy
When the commodity value of money and its value of money are equal is called:
(A) Token money
(B) Full bodid money
(C) Quassi-money
(D) Fat-money
Which of the following is an example of quasi-money:
(A) Bills of exchange
(B) Cheque
(C) Bank notes
(D) Coins
Which of the following organizations was brought into existence by the treaty of Rome:
(A) Councel of mutual economic assistence
(B) Euorpeon free trade organization
(C) Euorpeon economic community
(D) Council of europ
Where are the headquarters of euorpeon economic commity:
(A) Paris
(B) Brussels
(C) Copenhegan
(D) London
When was the uruguay round of multilateral trade negotiations under the GATT launched:
(A) January 1986
(B) June 1986
(C) September 1986
(D) December 1986