(A) Saucy
(B) Tasty
(C) Sour
(D) Heel
Category: Antonyms
English Antonyms Mcqs for NTS, GAT, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Users of GAT can prepare english antonyms from here.
Antonym of Intransigent is?
(A) Faithful
(B) Obedient
(C) Flexible
(D) Energetic
Opposite of Gluttony is?
(A) Fragility
(B) Devoid
(C) Voracity
(D) Garb
Antonym of word Pompous is?
(A) Normal
(B) Mild
(C) Humble
(D) Feeble
Opposite of Polemic is?
(A) Amity
(B) Cooperation
(C) Friendship
(D) Agreement
Antonym of Alien is?
(A) Resident
(B) Domiciled
(C) Native
(D) Natural
Opposite of Carnal is?
(A) Visionary
(B) Sensuous
(C) Spiritual
(D) Imaginary
Antonym of Robust is?
(A) Emaciated
(B) Strong
(C) Light
(D) Thin