(A) Literary
(B) Merry
(C) Strident
(D) Lethargic
Category: Antonyms
English Antonyms Mcqs for NTS, GAT, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Users of GAT can prepare english antonyms from here.
Servile is the opposite of?
(A) Haughty
(B) Foul
(C) Futile
(D) Puerile
What is the opposite of Pardon?
(A) Reward
(B) Praise
(C) Blame
(D) Punish
Antonym of Antipathy is?
(A) Anticipation
(B) Affinity
(C) Feable
(D) Finite
Antonym of Dove is?
(A) Hawk
(B) Pigeon
(C) Clean
(D) Refuse
Antonym of Profound is?
(A) Keen
(B) Superficial
(C) Benificial
(D) Wide
Antonym of Sanity is?
(A) Confessed
(B) Stability
(C) Lucidity
(D) Insanity
Antonym of Humid is?
(A) Fellible
(B) Arid
(C) Eligible
(D) Direct