(A) Puberty
(B) Adolescence
(C) Infancy
(D) Maturity
Category: One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution Mcqs for NTS, GAT, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Users of GAT can prepare One Word Substitution portion from here.
One who eats everything:
(A) Omnipotent
(B) Insolvent
(C) Omniscient
(D) Omnivorous
A verse letter:
(A) Epistle
(B) Epitaph
(C) Pantomime
(D) Lay
A person who beltrays a friend:
(A) Traitor
(B) Cheat
(C) Hypocrite
(D) Disloyal
One who believes that everything is predestined:
(A) Pessimist
(B) Fatalist
(C) Palmist
(D) Astrologer
Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth:
(A) Didactic
(B) Parable
(C) Paragon
(D) Paradigm
Policy of a political party:
(A) Manifesto
(B) Agenda
(C) Report
(D) Circular
Joint sovereignty exercised over a country by two or more countries:
(A) Colonialism
(B) Entente
(C) Pandemonium
(D) Condominium