(A) Bondsman
(B) Slave
(C) Servant
(D) Subordinate
Category: One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution Mcqs for NTS, GAT, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Users of GAT can prepare One Word Substitution portion from here.
Part song for several voices without instrumental accomplishment:
(A) Ballad
(B) Madrigal
(C) Panegyric
(D) Limerick
A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth:
(A) Geological
(B) Geo-synchronous
(C) Geocentric
(D) Geo-stationary
Incapable of being wounded:
(A) Invulnerable
(B) Invincible
(C) Infallible
(D) Impregnable
A place adjoining kitchen for washing dishes etc:
(A) Cellar
(B) Wardrobe
(C) Scullery
(D) Pantry
Land so surrounded by water as to be almost an island:
(A) Archipelago
(B) Isthmus
(C) Peninsula
(D) Lagoon
Elderly women in charge of a girl on social occasions:
(A) Spinster
(B) Matron
(C) Chaperon
(D) Chandler
A person who hates women:
(A) Misanthropist
(B) Masochist
(C) Misyogynist
(D) Misogamist