(A) Plagiarist
(B) Anarchist
(C) Arsonist
(D) Incendiarist
Category: One Word Substitution
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all other exams. Users of GAT can prepare One Word Substitution portion from here.
A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge:
(A) Pedantic
(B) Ornate
(C) Verbose
(D) Pompos
An old unmarried women:
(A) Virgin
(B) Bacheloe
(C) Spinster
(D) Marton
Bring to an end:
(A) Virgin
(B) Bachelor
(C) Spinster
(D) Matron
One who sacrifices his life for a cause:
(A) Soldier
(B) Revolutionary
(C) Martyr
(D) Patriot
The act of violating the sanctity of church:
(A) Heresy
(B) Dececration
(C) Sacrilege
(D) Blasphemy
A person who pretends to have more knowledge or skill than he really has:
(A) Renegade
(B) Apostle
(C) Charlatan
(D) Hedonist
A person who is very fond of sensuous enjoyments:
(A) Epicure
(B) Stoic
(C) Lusty
(D) Hedonist