(A) Simultaneous
(B) Contemporary
(C) Coincident
(D) Synchronize
Category: One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution Mcqs for NTS, GAT, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Users of GAT can prepare One Word Substitution portion from here.
A careful preservation and protection of wildlife is the need of the hour:
(A) Embankment
(B) Promotion
(C) Conservation
(D) Management
The caretaker of a public building needs to vigilant and an honest person:
(A) Custodian
(B) Curator
(C) Watchman
(D) Dean
The complete education of poverty is an unreal and visionary ideal:
(A) Meditative
(B) Fantastic
(C) Chimerical
(D) Contemptive
A man can be sentenced to death or killing another human being:
(A) Fratricide
(B) Regicide
(C) Homicide
(D) Genocide
Not many people were impressed by the speech delivered without previous preparation:
(A) Epilogue
(B) Prologue
(C) Soliloquy
(D) Extempor
It is a custom of Christianity to sing morning prayer in the church regularly:
(A) Epilogue
(B) Martin
(C) Epitaph
(D) Vesper
You are requested to send a list of goods sent with their prices along with the parcel so that the payment can be made immediately:
(A) Agenda
(B) Invoice
(C) Catalog
(D) Inventory