(A) Signify
(B) Characterise
(C) Personify
(D) Masquerade
Category: One Word Substitution
One Word Substitution Mcqs for NTS, GAT, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. Users of GAT can prepare One Word Substitution portion from here.
An instrument for viewing objects at a distance:
(A) Microscope
(B) Telescope
(C) Periscope
(D) Kaleidoscope
Atonement for one’s sins:
(A) Redemption
(B) Repentance
(C) Salvation
(D) Expiation
A person who has long experience:
(A) stalwart
(B) Pedantic
(C) Itinerant
(D) veteran
A light sailing boat built especially for racing:
(A) Dinghy
(B) Canoe
(C) Yacht
(D) Frigate
A political leader who tries to stir up people:
(A) Demagogue
(B) Dictator
(C) Statesman
(D) Martinet
That which can be interpreted in any way:
(A) Ambient
(B) Ambivalent
(C) Amphibious
(D) Ambiguous
One who plays a game for pleasure and not professionaly:
(A) Veteran
(B) Player
(C) Connoisseur
(D) Amateur