(A) compliments
(B) complimenting
(C) complimented
(D) compliment
Category: English Mcqs
English Mcqs for NTS, GAT, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, PMS, Educators, SPSC, Lecturer, BPSC, AJKPSC, PTS, PST, EST, SST and
all other exams. English MCQS covers basic knowledge of English grammar, parts of speech, prepositions, punctuations, active and passive
voice, idioms, proverbs, phrases, synonyms, antonyms, analogies, sentence construction etc.
Heart _________ cause his death.
(A) desease
(B) decease
(C) disease
(D) All of the above
A word to _________ wise is sufficient.
(A) at
(B) on
(C) of
(D) the
Synonym of distress is?
(A) Agony
(B) Obvious
(C) To scold
(D) Lazy
Synonym of excellent is?
(A) Eligible
(B) Good
(C) Beautiful
(D) None of the above
To provide explanation which symbol is used?
(A) Punctuation mark
(B) Comma
(C) Colon
(D) All of the above
Horse, dog, Car, bike, Ahmed, Italy and Books are all in grammar called?
(A) Noun
(B) Adverb
(C) Adjective
(D) Verbf
What is the antonym of the word descendants?
(A) Relatives
(B) Friends
(C) Partners
(D) Ancestors