(A) Mary Smith
(B) Paul Shockley
(C) Percy Spencer
(D) Stacy Richardson
Category: Everyday Science Mcqs
Everyday Science Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer and all other exams. Here readers will find everyday science MCQS, General science mcqs and very basic knowledge of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, scientific terms,
inventions, discoveries, human body, celestial bodies and environmental issues and environmental problems. Mcqs of all competitive exams past papers will also be included in this portion of Everyday Science MCQs.
First person to televise pictures of moving objects?
(A) Paul Nipkow
(B) George Carey
(C) C.F. Jenkins
(D) John Logie Baird
In which year US launched skylab into the space?
(A) 1973
(B) 1974
(C) 1975
(D) 1976
Which is the first country to launch vehicle in space?
(A) Canada
(D) UK
What is the farthest planet that can be seen without a telescope?
(A) Saturn
(B) Jupiter
(C) Neptune
(D) Uranus
What is the axial tilt of the earth?
(A) 12.7 Degrees
(B) 17.5 Degrees
(C) 23.5 Degrees
(D) 24.5 Degrees
Which planet is known as morning star?
(A) Mercury
(B) Venus
(C) Jupiter
(D) Saturn
Which planet is known as evening star?
(A) Mercury
(B) Venus
(C) Saturn
(D) Jupiter