(A) Remain the same
(B) Decreases
(C) Fluctuate
(D) Increases
Category: Everyday Science Mcqs
Everyday Science Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer and all other exams. Here readers will find everyday science MCQS, General science mcqs and very basic knowledge of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, scientific terms,
inventions, discoveries, human body, celestial bodies and environmental issues and environmental problems. Mcqs of all competitive exams past papers will also be included in this portion of Everyday Science MCQs.
What element is the most electronegative and reactive of of all elements?
(A) Fluorine
(B) Chlorine
(C) Oxygen
(D) Hydrogen
Which of the following is the global effect of pollution?
(A) Acid rain
(B) Green House effect
(C) Global warming
(D) Both A & B
Which of the following is a product of destructive distillation of coal?
(A) Coke
(B) Kerosene
(C) Cyanides
(D) Ammonia
The inactive gases in the air are termed?
(A) Inert
(B) Radioactive
(C) Trace gases
(D) Fossil fuels
Which treatment is instituted in a cancerous patient?
(A) Gene Therapy
(B) Antibiotic therapy
(C) Radio Therapy
(D) None of the above
Most common atoms found in biological molecules is?
(A) Carbon
(B) Oxygen
(C) Hydrogen
(D) All of the above
Velocity of light was determined accurately by?
(A) Michelson
(B) Newton
(C) Young
(D) Huygen