(A) Japanese art of flower arrangement
(B) Greek art of fighting
(C) Art of dancing and music
(D) None of the above
Category: General Knowledge Mcqs
General Knowledge Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer and all other exams. Here you will find MCQs related to general awareness of what and where of things and places, when and where events occurs, how things work, important personalities. Users will find MCQS of general knowledge, general knowledge questions, general knowledge questions with answers, world general knowledge, and all other general knowledge MCQs which will help readers to prepare their all competitive exams.
Latani river is located in which country?
(A) Syria
(B) Lebanon
(C) Turkey
(D) Sudan
A group of christanity that emphasises the authourity of the bible and the importance personal salvation through faith is?
(A) Evangelical
(B) Protestant
(C) Catholic
(D) None of these
The Muslim people of Sinkiang province are called?
(A) Ulghur
(B) Bantu
(C) Hutu
(D) Berber
What is “Nuclear fission”?
(A) Atom splits into two masses
(B) Small atom join each other
(C) Helium broken into proton and electron
(D) All of the above
What is mean by Amicus Curiae?
(A) A person invited to advice a lower court on a matter of law in a case(jurist)
(B) Ambassdor who invited to solve the crises between two countries
(C) All that goes to make a break of law
(D) A good friend who solved your economic problems
What is the main cause of failure of Pakistan, India and Iran gas pineline project?
(A) Public openion against the project
(B) Economic and Political pressure of USA
(C) High price demand for Iran
(D) Tention between India and Pakistan
A-writ direct to the person detecting to another and commonding him to produce the body of the prisnor at a certain time and place with the day and cause of his captain and detection is called?
(A) Writ of Quo warrents
(B) Writ of Certiaro
(C) Writ of Prohabition
(D) Writ of Habes Corpus