(A) Greece
(B) Camroon
(C) Italy
(D) Crotia
Category: General Knowledge Mcqs
General Knowledge Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer and all other exams. Here you will find MCQs related to general awareness of what and where of things and places, when and where events occurs, how things work, important personalities. Users will find MCQS of general knowledge, general knowledge questions, general knowledge questions with answers, world general knowledge, and all other general knowledge MCQs which will help readers to prepare their all competitive exams.
How many countries are there in the Group-77?
(A) 130
(B) 132
(C) 135
(D) 140
Capital of Greece is?
(A) Athens
(B) Addis Ababa
(C) Manama
(D) Stockhom
Nickname of Russia is?
(A) Beer
(B) Bier
(C) Bear
(D) Deer
Where Abdul Sattar Edhi was born?
(A) Gujrat(Pakistan)
(B) Chennai(India)
(C) Gujrat(India)
(D) Larkana
How many parties are there in All parties Hurriat Conference?
(A) 20
(B) 21
(C) 22
(D) 23
Length of Sir Greek line(in miles)?
(A) 60
(B) 64
(C) 72
(D) 80
Height of “Cho Uyo” mountain is(in meters)?
(A) 8100
(B) 8200
(C) 8121
(D) 8153