(A) Jute
(B) Cotton
(C) Hemp
(D) Flax
Category: Geography Mcqs
Users will find here Geography Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer Geography and all other types of Geography related, Competitive Exams and Interviews. Users will find here Geography of Pakistan and World Geography Mcqs.
The ‘Old Faithful’ in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming is a/an:
(A) hot spring
(B) extinct volcano
(C) geyser
(D) oak tree
Inversion of temperature refers to __ temperature with height.
(A) decrease in
(B) increase in
(C) constant
(D) both increase and decrease in
The ocean currents allow the oceans to__ year after year.
(A) become warmer
(B) become colder
(C) maintain the same temperature
(D) increase salinity
A fragment of solid matter which enters the upper atmosphere from outer space almost disintegrating before reaching the earth’s surface is:
(A) meteorite
(B) asteroid
(C) meteor
(D) comet
Plains formed by the deposits brought by glacier are:
(A) lacustrine plains
(B) flood plains
(C) drift plains
(D) coastal plains
Tibet, the highest plateau in the world, is:
(A) piedmont plateau
(B) intermontane plateau
(C) continental plateau
(D) volcanic plateau
Mountain of accumulation is:
(A) Volcanic mountains
(B) Block mountains
(C) Residual mountains
(D) Fold mountains