(A) Bachuanaland
(B) Bahamas
(C) Barbados
(D) Cameroon
Category: Geography Mcqs
Users will find here Geography Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer Geography and all other types of Geography related, Competitive Exams and Interviews. Users will find here Geography of Pakistan and World Geography Mcqs.
The tropical rain forests in the Amazon basin is known as:
(A) Savanna
(B) Prairies
(C) Selvas
(D) Pampas
Muscovite, Phlogopite and Biotite are:
(A) Iron ore varieties
(B) Mica varieties
(C) Coal varieties
(D) Manganese varieties
Hemp of Mesta, Ramie and Kapok are:
(A) food crops
(B) fodder crops
(C) fibre crops
(D) plantation crops
Cuban economy is based on:
(A) fishing
(B) sugarcane cultivation
(C) iron ore mining
(D) dairying
Danube, Dneiper, Don, Volga and Ural rivers are flowing In:
(A) North America
(B) Europe
(C) Africa
(D) Australia
Cod, haddock, halibut, sole, garoupa and snapper are:
(A) major species of Tropical Forests
(B) cattle breeds
(C) fish varieties
(D) Pacific Islands
Mackeral, tuna, herrings, and anchovies belong to __ type of fish.
(A) Pelagic
(B) Demersal
(C) Anadromous
(D) Fresh water