(A) 1992
(B) 1994
(C) 1996
(D) 2000
Category: Health and Physical Education Mcqs
Users will find here Health and Physical Education Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer Health and Physical Education and all other types of Physical Education related, Competitive Exams and Interviews.
Which is the fastest cyclist in England__.
(A) John Haward
(B) David Le Grays
(C) Will Smith
(D) John will
Which player make the fastest world record__.
(A) John Haward
(B) Ben Thomas
(C) Smith
(D) Jack warner
Record of Tour de France is__.
(A) 39.5 Km
(B) 40.5 km
(C) 45.5 km
(D) 43.5 km
Which player won more titles of Tour de France__.
(A) France
(B) Italy
(C) Brazil
(D) Australia
Where first Tour de France held__.
(A) 1902
(B) 1903
(C) 1904
(D) 1905
World Open Squash 2008 where held__.
(A) England
(B) Italy
(C) China
(D) America
Number One player of Squash in Pakistan__.
(A) Shahid Zaman
(B) Jhangir Khan
(C) Mansor Zaman
(D) Zark Jahn