(A) Sierra Nevada
(B) Sierra de Juarez
(C) The southern Sierra
(D) Sierra Maddre
Category: History Mcqs
Users will find here World History Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer History and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. History students can prepare their Pakistan and World History Portion for all test from here.
Which two caribeon nations have very similar soundings capitals?
(A) Hiati and Trinadad and Tobago
(B) Jamican and St vincent and the Grenadens
(C) Cuba and Dominican Republic
(D) Martinique and Hiati
Which countries does the Rio grand separate?
(A) Panama and Costa Rica
(B) Mexico and Guatemala
(C) The USA and Mexico
(D) Nicairagua and Hondurus
Which town does the only railway line in Alaska link?
(A) Seward and Farebanks
(B) Valdez and prudhoe bay
(C) Juneau and Anchrorage
(D) Anchrorage and Valdez
If a traveler across by road into Mexico from san dego which Mexico border town will he have to pass through?
(A) Mexicali
(B) Tijuana
(C) Nogales
(D) Ciudad Juarez
Which central Amarcian country has the longest length of coast?
(A) Nicaragua
(B) Tajuana
(C) Nogales
(D) Panama
Which Amercian states are sperated by British Columbia?
(A) Alaska and Washington
(B) Houndurus
(C) Costa Rica
(D) Panama
If you holidayed in the in the resort town of Acquapolco in the waters of which sea would you bathe?
(A) Gulf of California
(B) Gulf of Mexico
(C) The Pacific ocean
(D) Carribeon Sea