(A) St Joseph
(B) Springfield
(C) Kansas city
(D) Independence
Category: History Mcqs
Users will find here World History Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer History and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. History students can prepare their Pakistan and World History Portion for all test from here.
In which Canadian province is French most spoken?
(A) Nova Scotia
(B) Quebec
(C) New Brunswick
(D) Newfoundland
Which is the southermost Caribian island?
(A) Aruba
(B) Isla Margarita
(C) Tobago
(D) Trinidad
Which Amercian state has a part of its border running through Lake Ontario?
(A) New York
(B) Pennsylavania
(C) Ohio
(D) Michigan
What is called the “Prairie province of Canada”?
(A) British Columbia
(B) Manitoba
(C) Alberta
(D) Sasketchwan
What is the geographical name for the windward and leward islands?
(A) The Grater Antilies
(B) Hispaniola
(C) The Lesser Antilies
(D) The Eastern Antilies
Which is the largest Amercian state?
(A) California
(B) Alaska
(C) Montana
(D) Texas
Of which Canadian province is Cape Breton island a part?
(A) Nova Scotia
(B) Prince Edward Island
(C) Quebec
(D) Newfoundland