(A) Yucantan
(B) New Mexico, USA
(C) North-Western Mexico
(D) California USA
Category: History Mcqs
Users will find here World History Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer History and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. History students can prepare their Pakistan and World History Portion for all test from here.
Which Canadian province is seprated from the USA mainly by the Great Lakes?
(A) Ontario
(B) Alberta
(C) Manitoba
(D) Quebec
Which landmark is considerd the line of sepration between the North and South Amercian countries?
(A) Yucatan
(B) Panama Canal
(C) Gulf of Panama
(D) Isthums of Tehuantepec
On which river is the city of New York?
(A) Hudson
(B) Potomac
(C) Shenandoh
(D) Alleghaney
To which does the Gulf of California belong?
(B) The USA and Mexico
(C) Mexico and Guaternala
(D) Mexico
Which is the biggest Canadian Island?
(A) Newfoundland
(B) Vietoria
(C) Baffin
(D) Devon
Which is the highest mountain range in the eastern United States?
(A) Alleghenies
(B) Appalachians
(C) Catskills
(D) Cumberlands
Which canadian town was the boom town of Gold Rush?
(A) Klondike
(B) Dawson Creek
(C) White horse
(D) Inayo