(A) Cuba and Haiti
(B) Cuba and Jamaica
(C) The Dominicon Republic and Perto Rice
(D) Hiati and Dominicon Republic
Category: History Mcqs
Users will find here World History Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer History and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. History students can prepare their Pakistan and World History Portion for all test from here.
Which is the largest lake entirely in Canada?
(A) Lake Winipegg
(B) Great Slave lake
(C) Great Bear lake
(D) Reindeer lake
Which is the biggest French terrotry in the Carribian?
(A) Martinique
(B) Maire Galante
(C) St. Martain
(D) Guadelope
The Mississippi is joined by another big river and both are often called by a joint name. What is this name?
(A) Mississippi-Missouri
(B) Mississippi-Illinois
(C) Mississippi-Arkansas
(D) Mississippi-Tennessee
What seprates the USA and the erstwhile USSR?
(A) Bering Sea
(B) Bering Strait
(C) Nortron Sound
(D) Gulf of Alaska
What is the Yucatan?
(A) A Penisula state in Maxico
(B) A mountanious region in Maxico
(C) A Guatmelon enclave in Maxico
(D) A Part of USA bording Maxico
What is the Kape Kennedy now known as?
(A) Cape St George
(B) Cape Sable
(C) Cape Canaveral
(D) Cape Romano
Where exactly is the Isthums of Tehuantepec?
(A) South Panama
(B) South Maxico
(C) Southern Guatemala
(D) Southern Costa Rica