(A) Austria
(B) Monoco
(C) Germany
(D) Switzerland
Category: History Mcqs
Users will find here World History Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer History and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. History students can prepare their Pakistan and World History Portion for all test from here.
What important mineral wealth do Romania and Russia have in common?
(A) Gold
(B) Iron ore
(C) Oil
(D) Copper
In which country is Serbia?
(A) Yogoslavia
(B) Greece
(C) Itly
(D) Albania
What is Russia’s northermost major port?
(A) Arklangelsk
(B) Murmansak
(C) Kara
(D) Nordvik
In which mountain range is Andora?
(A) Pyrennes
(B) Alps
(C) Vosges
(D) Jura
Where is Bonn and what is its significance?
(A) An industrial city in the Rhur
(B) A historic city in western Germany
(C) It was the capital of federal Republic of Germony before the two Germnies united
(D) A holiday resort in Germony
What important port is on the White Sea?
(A) Murmansak
(B) Arkhangelsk
(C) Kara
(D) Karaul
Of which country is Brittany a part?
(A) Britain
(B) Ireland
(C) France
(D) Belgium