(A) The Caprivi Strip
(B) The Zembezi valley
(C) The Angola Range
(D) The Botswana Ridge
Category: History Mcqs
Users will find here World History Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer History and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. History students can prepare their Pakistan and World History Portion for all test from here.
Lake chard is of course in Chad. But which countries does it seasonly extend into?
(A) Central African Republic and Sudan
(B) Libya and Niger
(C) Niger, Nigeria and Camroon
(D) Camroon, Central African Republic and Sudan
Which is the biggest city in Natal?
(A) Pietemaritzburg
(B) Durban
(C) Ladysmith
(D) East London
Which three mainland African nations did Purtagal once rule?
(A) Guina-Bissau, Angola and Mozambiaque
(B) Guina-Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast
(C) Equational Guina, Gaboon and Cameroon
(D) Ghana, Benin and Togo
Which was the largest of the French West Africa countries in area?
(A) Mauritania
(B) Niger
(C) Burkina Faso
(D) Mali
Which is the country that is broadly divided into Ovamboland. Damaraland and and Great Namaland?
(A) Angola
(B) Namiba
(C) Zaire
(D) Botswana
Which northern Nigerian city is the center on which the major carvan routs coverage?
(A) Kaduna
(B) Jas
(C) Kano
(D) Niguru
Which is the longest African river emptying into Indian Ocean?
(A) The Zambeze
(B) The Nile
(C) The Shebli
(D) The Juba