(A) Basra
(B) Baghdad
(C) Mosul
(D) Kirkuk
Category: History Mcqs
Users will find here World History Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer History and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. History students can prepare their Pakistan and World History Portion for all test from here.
What is Formosa now known as?
(A) Taipei
(B) Tainan
(C) Taiwan
(D) Taichung
Which Malaysia town is the crossing point of Singapore?
(A) Melaka
(B) Johor Bahru
(C) Kelang
(D) Port Dikson
Which is the capital of Saudi Arabia?
(A) Riyadh
(B) Makkah
(C) Medina
(D) Dhahran
In which country is Phuket, a well known tourist-resort?
(A) Malaysia
(B) Indonesia
(C) Cambodia
(D) Thailand
Near which Northren town are the main oilfields of Iraq?
(A) Kirkuk
(B) Mosul
(C) Samarra
(D) Erbil
Which famous land in the Arabian Sea is a part of Yemen?
(A) Socotra
(B) Aden
(C) Abdal Kuri
(D) Kuria Muria
Three Japanese cities are so large they have almost begun to merge with each other. Which are they?
(A) Nagoya, Kyoto and Kobe
(B) Tokyo, Yokohama and Kobe
(C) Kobe, Osaka and Kyoto
(D) Kobe, Osaka and Nara