(A) Great Mangolian desert
(B) Gobi desert
(C) China desert
(D) Siberian desert
Category: History Mcqs
Users will find here World History Mcqs for NTS, CSS, PMS, PPSC, FPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, BPSC, PTS, SPSC, Lecturer History and all other types of Competitive Exams and Interviews. History students can prepare their Pakistan and World History Portion for all test from here.
What is Indonesian Barneo called?
(A) Kalimantan
(B) Sulawaisi
(C) Maluku
(D) Iran Jaya
Which countries border the Sea of Galilee?
(A) Lebnan, Syria and Israel
(B) Lebnan, Jordon and Israel
(C) Israel, Jordon and Egept
(D) Israel, Jordon and Syria (before Israel occupation of its terretory here)
Which independent island country does China claim as one its province?
(A) Hong Kong
(B) Taiwan
(C) Philpains
(D) Japan
Where exactly is Manchuria?
(A) North-western China
(B) Eastern Mangolia
(C) North Eastern cornor of China
(D) Southern Siberia
Of which country is Ulan Bator the capital?
(A) Indonesia
(B) Mangolia
(C) North Korea
(D) Laos
Which country is the largest producer of wolfram (tungsten ore) in the world?
(A) China
(B) Malaysia
(C) Indonesia
(D) North Korea
The Isthums of Kra is a narrow neck of land in which one country ends and another extends. What are the two countries?
(A) Malaysia and Thailand
(B) Mynamar and Thiland
(C) Mynamar and Malaysia
(D) Mynamar and Singapur