(A) Serine
(B) Threonine
(C) Lysine
(D) Histidine
Category: Microbiology Mcqs
Microbiology Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer and all other exams. Here users will find all the Mcqs related to Microbiology. Here users will find mcqs related to study of life and living organisms, living things in an ecosystem, study and structure of organs, study of cells, organisms interaction and their environment, , study of heredity, study of biological molecules, study of DNA and proteins, study of fossils and all microbiology mcqs will be available here.
Monoclonal antibodies are nowadays used in:
(A) Disease diagnosis
(B) Detection of specific type of pathogen
(C) Very early and accurate detection of cancer
(D) All of these
A hybridoma is:
(A) A hybrid cell obtained by fusing a β–lymphocyte with a myeloma cell in vitro
(B) A hybrid cell obtained by fusing a β–lymphocyte with a myeloma cell in vivo
(C) A hybrid cell obtained by fusing 2 β–lymphocyte cells in vitro
(D) A hybrid cell obtained by fusing any 2 body cells in vitro
Which of the following is the correct order of organization of genetic material from largest to smallest?
(A) Genome, chromosome, gene, nucleotide
(B) Nucleotide, gene, chromosome, genome
(C) Gene, nucleotide, chromosome, genome
(D) Chromosome, genome, nucleotide, gene
Which of the following is helpful in distinguishing DNA of one individual from another?
(B) Reverse transcriptase
(C) cDNA
Which of the following enzyme is used in ELISA?
(A) Taq DNA polymerase
(C) EcoRI
(D) EcoRII
Which of the following enzyme is used in PCR?
(A) Taq DNA polymerase
(C) EcoRI
(D) EcoRII
cDNA, a term used in recombinant DNA technology means:
(A) Competitive DNA
(B) Chemical DNA
(C) Complex DNA
(D) Complementary DNA