(A) Text
(B) The slide master
(C) The title master
(D) The handout master
Category: MS PowerPoint Mcqs
MS PowerPoint Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, PMS, PTS, Data Entry Operator, Computer Operator and all computer related exams.
MS Power Point is an example of which of the following?
(A) Graphics software
(B) Spreadsheet
(C) Multimedia Software
(D) None of the above
In which microsoft program slides are used?
(A) Word
(B) Ms Access
(C) Excel
(D) Power Point
In Microsoft Powerpoint short cut key Ctrl+M is used for?
(A) To insert arrow sign in the slide
(B) To insert colors
(C) To insert new slide
(D) To insert Table in slide