(A) ring
(B) star
(C) tree
(D) mesh
Category: Networking Mcqs
Data Communication and Networking Mcqs for Screening tests, Interviews, Viva and Other competitive exams. Networking Mcqs section will help users to prepare mcqs of Networks for various exams. Aspirants of Lecturer Computer Science, SST Computer Science, Subject Specialist Computer Science, Data Entry operator, Computer Programmer, Computer Operator, System administrator, Network Administrator and all other Competitive Exams can prepare their Data Communication and Networking portion from here.
Which of the following is not a field in Eathernet message packet:
(A) Type
(B) Data
(C) Pin-code
(D) Address
Which of the following ISO level is more closely related to the physical communication facilities:
(A) Application
(B) Session
(C) Network
(D) Data link
A high speed communication equipment typically would not be needed for:
(A) E-mail
(B) Transfering large volume of data
(C) supporting communication between noded in LAN
(D) all of the above
Which of the following is not a Standard RS-232C signal:
The average code length of the given problem is:
(A) 2
(B) 2.25
(C) 2.45
(D) 3
The minimum number of bits required to represent all the symbols togather is:
(A) 14
(B) 11
(C) 12
(D) 15
The minimum number of bits required to represent B is:
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4