(A) True
(B) False
(C) NA
(D) NA
Category: Object Oriented Programming Mcqs
Object Oriented Programming OOP Mcqs for Screening tests, Interviews, Viva and Other competitive exams. Object Oriented Programming Mcqs section will help users to prepare mcqs of OOP for various exams. Aspirants of Lecturer Computer Science, SST Computer Science, Subject Specialist Computer Science, Data Entry operator, Computer Programmer, Computer Operator, Software engineer and all other Competitive Exams can prepare their Object Oriented programming portion from here.
The sub-object’s life is not dependent on the life of master class in __.
(A) Composition
(B) Aggregation
(C) Separation
(D) non of the given
Which one is a class association?
(A) Simple Association
(B) Inheritance
(C) Composition
(D) Aggregation
Classes like TwoDimensionalShape and ThreeDimensionalShape would normally be concrete, while classes like Sphere and Cube would normally be abstract?
(A) True
(B) False
(C) NA
(D) NA
A class template may inherit from another class template?
(A) True
(B) False
(C) NA
(D) NA
Like template functions, a class template may not handle all the types successfully?
(A) True
(B) False
(C) NA
(D) NA
The dot operator (or class member access operator) connects the following two entities (reading from left to right):
(A) A class member and a class object
(B) A class object and a class
(C) A class and a member of that class
(D) A class object and a member of that class
Consider the statement ―room has chair‖ Which of the following type of association exists between room and chair?
(A) Inheritance
(B) Composition
(C) There is no association
(D) Aggregation