(A) Formal education
(B) Non-Formal education
(C) Government
(D) Informal education
Category: Pedagogy Mcqs
Pedagogy Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer, Headmaster and all other exams. Here users will find Pedagogy Mcqs which covers basic knowledge of pedagogy. It will cover basic knowledge of interaction between teachers and students, learning environment and learning tasks. Mcqs in this portion will help readers for the exams of headmaster, headmistress, SST, Educators and all other competitive exams.
Formal education is meant for?
(A) Rigid rules of entry and exit
(B) No rules of entry and exit
(C) Flexible rules of entry and exit
(D) Few rules of entry and exit
Educational objectives are mainly derived from?
(A) Educational Policy
(B) National goals
(C) Five year plan
(D) School curriculum
Piloting of test mainly ensures its?
(A) Validity
(B) Reliability
(C) Validity and Reliability
(D) Usability and adaptability
Subject centered curriculum revolves around?
(A) Experimental skills
(B) Hands on job
(C) Activities
(D) Content
Correct order of steps in scientific method is?
(A) Consturuct a hypothesis, analyze the results, identify problem, draw conclusion
(B) Identify a problem, analyze results, construct a hypothesis, draw conclusions
(C) Identify a problem, construct a hypothesis, draw conclusion, analyze results
(D) Identify a problem, construct a hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusion
Reading or looking at material quickly to gain an overview of the content is the reading technique is called?
(A) Reasoning
(B) Scanning
(C) Skimming
(D) Silent Reading
A predetermined body of skills, knowledge and abilities are taught to all students in?
(A) Hidden curriculum
(B) Activity curriculum
(C) Core curriculum
(D) Null curriculum