(A) Accommodation
(B) Organization
(C) Equilibrium
(D) Assimilation
Category: Pedagogy Mcqs
Pedagogy Mcqs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, AJKPSC, CSS, PMS, NAT, PTS, Educators, Lecturer, Headmaster and all other exams. Here users will find Pedagogy Mcqs which covers basic knowledge of pedagogy. It will cover basic knowledge of interaction between teachers and students, learning environment and learning tasks. Mcqs in this portion will help readers for the exams of headmaster, headmistress, SST, Educators and all other competitive exams.
A basic measure of the validity of an item to distinguish those who scored high on the total test and those who scored low is called?
(A) Discrimination index
(B) Distractor efficiency
(C) Difficulty index
(D) None of the above
The concept of Perennialism in education means school curricula should focus on what is ___ .
(A) Important
(B) Everlasting
(C) In demand
(D) In need
A test description component also called test blueprint is referred to the term?
(A) Table of specifications
(B) Objective type test
(C) Subjective type test
(D) Portfolio
Knowing, memorizing and recalling is concerned with?
(A) Application
(B) Knowledge
(C) Evaluation
(D) Comprehension
The goal of assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching is referred to?
(A) Formative assessment
(B) Diagnostic assessment
(C) Summative assessment
(D) Multi Dimensional assessment
The practice of using a variety of instructional strategies to an address the different need of a student is?
(A) Indifferent instruction
(B) Differentiated instruction
(C) Discovery method
(D) Individualized instruction
The right sequence of learning levels of cognitive domain is?
(A) Knowledge, comprehension, application, evaluation, analysis, synthesis
(B) Knowledge, comprehension, application, Synthesis, analysis, evaluation
(C) Knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application, analysis, synthesis
(D) Knowledge, comprehension,application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation